Veronica Tarasova
Have you ever wondered how people like Veronica Tarasova, a trader, achieve their goals? She must have come a long way in her career. Looking at the results of her career growth, you can’t help but realize that she has definitely graduated from a European university and has an experience of working at the European exchange.
But in fact, this story is disappointing. A trader is not a trader at all. It’s just a well-prepared character who has grown in the eyes of Forex Trend customers thanks to the Internet. Veronica is a simple puzzle in the big scheme of deception of the company, which is usually called a bench. She used to run a small business, selling back rubs. In just a few years, she got to the huge PAMM accounts. Some people spend 10 years or more to get these results. At this point, we should think how could this girl achieve everything in such a short period of time?
How it all started
Official sources say that Veronica has learned about Forex and the currency market in 2008. Then she was trading with an Alpari broker. A couple of years later, in 2010, Veronica worked at Forex Trend, where she is still listed today. She manages three PAMM accounts with numbers 7185, 7187 and 9035.
As a matter of fact, the girl is just an advertisement, because the results of the company’s bidding are just a fake. Take a look at how these people work on camera: solid memorized phrases and no more. Any deviation from the jagged text leads these people to a dead end. All of their words are also advertisements about how multifaceted the earnings on the currency market are.
Let’s take a closer look at Veronica’s personal blog. The domain of the site –, judging by the history of the address, was registered for the first time in October 2010, and the girl began her activity a month later, in November 2010. It turns out that she started cooperation with the company and regular participation in its projects before the creation of PAMM.
Very interesting and her supposedly personal e-mail. Tarika Business Group” company, which is directly related to the Forex market, is also registered on it. It turns out that a personal mailbox is not a personal one at all, but Veronica Tarasova herself is just an advertising bait for new clients. Just a beautiful cover.
How a massager trader becomes a super-trader
All that has been written above is just part of the interesting facts. By clicking on, you will find yourself on a government web resource that can help you find information about Veronika Tarasova, including even your mobile phone number. After that, it is enough to go to the popular search engine and enter this phone number in the search field. Then you can easily get information, judging by which, Veronika Tarasova – from the city of Zaporozhye and, most importantly, since May 2011, trades in massagers for the back on the Internet.
To pay for it, she uses a webpurse wallet Z11304545338147, which belongs to It is easy to see in the wallet information on the payment system’s website. That’s the kind of fraudulent scheme In the Forex market this situation is not uncommon. That’s how the girl got her initial capital by selling massagers, and the ForexTrend pyramid financial pyramid eventually went bankrupt and started to deceive clients. It’s a frank hippe, and how is it possible to build a real business with such managers?